This app needs to use the internet to load new data, so please be aware of data usage! Let's create your own map and share it with everyone.

Start with a Minecraft farm builder, Minecraft blueprints, or any other constructions. No need to spend time building a house, all you need is this building tool. Then go to the builds and check each chest you put. Place structure block wherever you want Minecraft building to appear. Go to your world and find master block in Inventory (like an addon). Note that you can select many chests at the same time. Explore STRUCTURE ENTITY EDITOR, tap to ADD CHEST and select items. Tap "VIEW IN 3D" to check how it looks in the game. Select your favorite structures (ARENA, CASTLE, DUNGEON.) It's pretty fun to invite your friends into the house and you tease them with trap chests that you put. Master builder for Minecraft is for Minecraft builder can modify whatever you want! It's not just a Minecraft building tool or a Minecraft house cheat normal, but also adds a chest full of items and treasures that you can customize yourself. Can be restored Minecraft world in-game. Constantly updated data on Minecraft buildings and structures. Easy add entities on chests and put them wherever your structure. Explore the variety of constructures: medieval, floating island, vehicle, arena, boat, ship, garden. More than 20 categories and 1000+ structures for Minecraft building ideas. Master Builder app is a clear and intuitive interface. that uses format Minecraft schemactic or litematic. With this app, you can explore many cool and fresh Minecraft building ideas from simple structures to complex! It might be a huge skyscraper, floating island, medieval house, or modern building. Master Builder for Minecraft PE is known as a Minecraft building tool that helps players understand how to build, some guides, and tips for Minecraft house cheat. It allows adding entities to the structure by using Chest, which can put many chests and custom items into a building.

And now, we provide a SPECIAL and ONLY function on Master builder for Minecraft - "STRUCTURE ENTITY EDITOR". Master Builder for Minecraft had unlimited cool design ideas for structure addons maker. Over 6 years of release and has a top spot when looking for Buildings MCPE, Builder for Minecraft. Master builder - Minecraft building ideas, add entities to structure by Chest