cucumber-puppeteer-example: Example repository demonstrating how to use Puppeeteer and Cucumber for integration testing. puppeteer-loadtest: commandline interface for performing load test on puppeteer scripts. puppetry: A desktop app to build Puppeteer/Jest driven tests without coding. puppeteer-har: Generate HAR file with puppeteer. Also includes an assertion library for Puppeteer. jest-puppeteer: (almost) Zero configuration tool for setting up and running Jest and Puppeteer easily. puppeteer-to-istanbul-example: Demo repository demonstrating how to output Puppeteer coverage in Istanbul format. mocha-headless-chrome: Tool which runs client-side mocha tests in the command line through headless Chrome. angular-puppeteer-demo: Demo repository explaining how to use Puppeteer in Karma.
Automatically manages a pool of Puppeteer browsers and provides easy error handling, task management, proxy rotation and more.
Apify SDK: The scalable web crawling and scraping library for JavaScript.
Puppeteer on AWS Lambda: Running puppeteer on AWS Lambda with Serverless framework. Provides a docker image with configuration for concurrency, launch arguments and more. browserless: Headless Chrome as a service letting you execute Puppeteer scripts remotely. puppeteer-examples: Puppeteer Headless Chrome examples for real life use cases such as getting useful info from the web pages or common login scenarios. headless-chrome-crawler: Crawler that provides simple APIs to manipulate Headless Chrome and allows you to crawl dynamic websites. pupperender: Express middleware that checks the User-Agent header of incoming requests, and if it matches one of a configurable set of bots, render the page using Puppeteer. Thal: Getting started with Puppeteer and Chrome Headless for Web Scraping. Puppetron: Demo site that shows how to use Puppeteer and Headless Chrome to render pages.
# Other useful tools, articles, and projects that use Puppeteer # Rendering and web scraping More complex and use case driven examples can be found at /GoogleChromeLabs/puppeteer-examples. node examples/search.js # Larger examples Assuming you have a checkout of the Puppeteer repo and have run npm i (or yarn) to install the dependencies, the examples can be run from the root folder like so: NODE_PATH =.