
Timmies tell me why im waiting
Timmies tell me why im waiting

timmies tell me why im waiting timmies tell me why im waiting

Besides, he deserves to be as happy as we are. “I didn’t know you cared so much.” Austin nodded. “Don't make me start wishing I was.” Adrian pulled his boyfriend close. You’ve never been akumatized.” Austin harrumphed. “Sorry, but you two aren't part of our support group. Bustier’s students found their seats, Adrien, his boyfriend, Austin Gallows, and the rest of the class waited eagerly for Noel and Alix to arrive. “Aid, your optimism is something to aspire towards.” - The following Monday, as Ms. But on Monday, I’m sure everything will be alright.” Nino chuckled. And given her past attempts at a romance with Noel, she probably just expected the worst. “But I don't know if Alix will see it that way.

timmies tell me why im waiting

“And Noel said André’s ice cream isn't magic.” “He fully admitted to it after that kiss,” Nino rubbed the back of his neck. But, though Alix ran away, humiliated, Noel was (finally) in love. Though, to be more accurate, Alix slipped on discarded ice cream and fell towards Noel, which caused the kiss. The young DJ had called his best friend the morning after their mutual friend, Noel O’Neil kissed Alix Kubdel, the girl who had been pining for him since he first arrived in Ms. “They KISSED?!” “Well, accidentally, but it was enough for Noel.” Nino Lahiffe reported. As the light gleaned off its chrome finish, just for a second, Alix could swear she saw the face of a small bunny in the reflection. “Dad… thank you.” As she hugged her father, Alix looked at the watch.

timmies tell me why im waiting

“Use our family heirloom to keep track of that time.” Alix sat up and looked at the watch, then at her father. You just have to give it time,” Alim grinned as he pulled an antique pocket watch from his coat pocket and pressed it into Alix’s hand. He wants us to just be friends.” “Well, perhaps that can change. “Alix… do you really like this Noel?” Alix nodded. I couldn't face him.” Alim was surprised. I fumbled mine and slipped … and ended up kissing Noel,” she groaned. “Yes, you’ve mentioned him a few times.” “Right, well, anyway, we had all gone out for ice cream. “I was hanging out with my friends, including Noel, you know, the cute exchange student.” Alim nodded. “What happened, Alix?” Alix flopped on her back. He sat on the corner of the bed and put a hand on Alix’s back. Alim Kubdel knocked on the door of his daughter, Alix’s room.“Sweetheart? May I come in?” “…Sure, Dad.”Alix sighed dejectedly.

Timmies tell me why im waiting